The massive industrialization of agriculture has led to the paradox that most farmers, subjected to intensive farming, no longer feed their fellow citizens. The race for productivity, for export, and for the lowest prices, has resulted in the destruction of food-producing agriculture in many countries.

Can we accept that our children and grandchildren have neither the quality nor the diversity of food that we have today ?

Like so many endangered animal species, thousands of varieties of fruits, vegetables and fish are progressively being erased from our food map. We cannot resign ourselves to eating this limited menu, offering only an abundance of standardised and tasteless products, to the detriment of our health.

Agriculture, environment, health, economy, culture, education and tourism: all pillars of our contemporary society are impacted by this food peril.  To fight against these growing threats, access to « good food » must not be a privilege but an absolute right, independent of any notion of income.  No citizen should be excluded from this right for economic, social or cultural reasons.

Our Foundation brings together under one roof several projects that achieve these objectives. Welcome to the world of food biodiversity that we want to preserve. Eating is an agricultural act !


The Foundation for the Promotion of Taste has the following goals:

- the promotion, enhancement, and preservation of quality and tasteful products, respectful of the culinary and oenological traditions of their region of production.

- the development of an early awareness of tastes and smells for younger generations.

 - raising awareness of the food heritage of our regions, by promoting their oenogastronomic heritage to the public, particularly in the context of tourism.

- the organization of the Swiss Week of Taste, as well as all other network actions that contribute to the education of taste from the youngest age, to the enhancement of the producers of food biodiversity, in the spirit of the preservation of the culinary heritage.

The Foundation can undertake any action that will allow it to reach its goals directly or indirectly. The Foundation is a non-profit organization.


Robert Cramer

President, Former State Councillor

Noémie Graff

Vice-President, Winemaker, domaine du Satyre

Carlo Crisci

Consultant Chef, La Fleur de Sel restaurant, Cossonay

Philippe Gobet

École Hôtelière Lausanne Ambassador of Excellence

Meilleur Ouvrier de France Cuisine

Maya Graf

State Councillor and organic farmer

Bernadette Lisibach

Chef, Neue Blumenau restaurant, Lömmenschwil

Filippo Lombardi

City Councillor (Lugano) - Former State Councillor

President of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad


Foundation Board

Foundation Office

Deputy Director



Swiss Week of Taste

The Great Places of Taste

Swiss Culinary Merit

Swiss Wine Tour

Swiss Taste Academy

Josef Zisyadis

Director of the Foundation

Alexander Barisnikov

Deputy Director

Giulia Onori



Swiss Week of Taste

« The Swiss Week of Taste » is an event that takes place every year in September throughout Switzerland. For ten days, it gives everyone the opportunity to make culinary discoveries, to stop and taste, to question our relationship with food and to make us aware of the origins of our food.  It helps to make us aware that eating is not only a time to recharge our batteries but also to enjoy ourselves.

« Sport@Gout » is a project of the Week of Taste, whose objective is to promote and develop a quality, tasty, local, seasonal sports food on the sidelines of sporting events.


Swiss Culinary Merit

The « Swiss Culinary Merit » prize was created to highlight the excellence of Swiss gastronomy and in particular that of the profession of culinary chef.

Each year, at the end of a national competition, this prestigious prize is awarded to four chefs whose work has brought honour to the profession, who are recognised for their excellence, their know-how and for practising their art while respecting the authentic products of the Swiss culinary heritage.


Great Places of Taste

The « Great Places of Taste » is a project launched in 2018 that promotes Switzerland and its fantastic regions as gourmet destinations, to make them ambassadors of Taste and to encourage tourism linked to gastronomy, to the promotion of its regions and their fabulous products. Seventeen « Great Places of Taste » regions have already joined.


Swiss Wine Tour

«Swiss Wine Tour» is an innovative national wine tourism project, which aims to highlight the wine and tourism offerings of each canton.

Its objectives are to create and bring together through this platform, a national network of quality service providers and partners who share the same philosophy, in order to promote the high quality of our wines by proposing original and authentic wine tourism packages.


Swiss Academy of Taste

In 2023, the Swiss Academy of Taste - the Foundation's latest project - was added to the family of activities that pursue the objectives of promoting healthy eating and educating people about healthy, tasty, sustainable food as an essential vehicle for the sustainable development of territories and towns.

The Academy of Taste provides a national framework to facilitate activities designed to enhance historical, scientific and social knowledge and promote, through appropriate programs, tasty, healthy and sustainable food based on proximity and territory.


FONDATION POUR LA PROMOTION DU GOÛT | CP99 | CH-1001 Lausanne | Phone +41 21 601 58 03 | presse@gout.ch | www.fondationgout.ch

The Foundation is a member of Switzerland Tourism

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